Wednesday, 29 June 2016


At this stage you should have the beginnings of an idea for your project. Some of you may have a very clear focus, such as How does geography inspire and influence art and textile designers? whereas others may just know the general area they want to focus on, such as documentary photography. This period is all about refining that focus, and your research will help you do that.

If you have a clear focus then you can dive straight in and use things like JSTOR and the library to look at artists, concepts and theories related to your idea. If you're still unsure, use this period to look at the kind of work you'd like to produce, finding artists and techniques. Approach it like you would the start of an Art project.

Whenever you find something, record it on your blog - remember the blog needs to be updated every week - but also record it on one of the appropriate bibliography templates located on the O drive (O:\Art 2016-17\EPQ\resources)

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